Github Add/Update/Delete File(s) on Branch with GraphQL

In input contents is base64 encoded and expectedHeadOid must match with last commit on branch referenced and operation will fails on mismatch:

  "input": {
    "branch": {
      "repositoryNameWithOwner": "gliptak/githubapitest1",
      "branchName": "my_branch"
    "message": {
      "headline": "Hello from GraphQL!"
    "fileChanges": {
      "additions": [
          "path": "graphql.txt",
          "contents": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHcmFwaFFMIQo="
      "deletions": [
          "path": ""
    "expectedHeadOid": "74512c01ecaec77e38497d448d391065c07ce973"

Mutation below updates branch with fileChanges listed:

mutation ($input: CreateCommitOnBranchInput!) {
  createCommitOnBranch(input: $input) {
    commit {

and returns:

  "data": {
    "createCommitOnBranch": {
      "commit": {
        "oid": "dfeef335f3f622e090497d45e13ecaff5ca9470f",
        "changedFilesIfAvailable": 2

Various other data elements can also be returned.

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